Corporate Governance Service

Corporate governance refers to a combination of laws, regulations, procedures, implicit rules and voluntary practices which help companies to  perform efficiently and maximize long term value for shareholders and at the same time looking after the interests of other stakeholders like buyers, government, society at large etc. Lenders whether national or international, also look for them for taking exposure in any corporate. It is a function of  transparency and fairness in operations and  making proper disclosures .


Company as a  business organization has become popular over the years.  With the growth in size of these corporates, governance has become all the more  important. SEBI and listing agreements of various stock exchanges require that the requirements of corporate governance are duly complied with. 

  Our services include  :  

  • Periodic monitoring through internal audit
  • Independent audit
  • Independent verification
  • Effective Supervision
  • Accountability
  • Sufficient number of Independent directors on the Board.
  • Formation of an independent audit committee for the board
  • Adequate disclosure and transparency in reports
  • Participation in board meetings.



India`s new Companies Act 2013 (Companies Act) has introduced several new provisions which change the face of Indian corporate business” Companies Act 2013 (Companies Act) has introduced several new provisions which change the face of Indian corporate business. One of such new provisions is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The concept of CSR rests on the ideology of give and take. Companies take resources in the form of raw materials, human resources etc from the society. By performing the task of CSR activities, the companies are giving something back to the society.

Ministry of Corporate Affairs has notified Section 135 and Schedule VII of the Companies Act as well as the provisions of the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 (CRS Rules) which has come into effect from 1 April 2014.

Applicability: Section 135 of the Companies Act provides the threshold limit for applicability of the CSR to a Company i.e. (a) net worth of the company to be Rs 500 crore or more; (b) turnover of the company to be Rs 1000 crore or more; (c) net profit of the company to be Rs 5 crore or more. Further as per the CSR Rules, the provisions of CSR are not only applicable to Indian companies, but also applicable to branch and project offices of a foreign company in India.

CSR Committee and Policy: Every qualifying company requires spending of at least 2% of its average net profit for the immediately preceding 3 financial years on CSR activities. Further, the qualifying company will be required to constitute a committee (CSR Committee) of the Board of Directors (Board) consisting of 3 or more directors. The CSR Committee shall formulate and recommend to the Board, a policy which shall indicate the activities to be undertaken (CSR Policy); recommend the amount of expenditure to be incurred on the activities referred and monitor the CSR Policy of the company. The Board shall take into account the recommendations made by the CSR Committee and approve the CSR Policy of the company.


Our services include   

  • Conceptualizing CSR strategy and defining CSR philosophy and objectives
  • Defining vision, mission and funding strategy
  • Recommending causes or social initiatives that complement your corporate mandate
  • Conducting a stakeholder needs assessment and recommending initiatives that leverage your expertise and meet your stakeholder’s expectations
  • Evaluating internal process and making recommendations to align them with your CSR objectives